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Friday, April 27, 2012

Verizon Android 4.0 push-dates leaked for Razr, Rezound?

The latest bit of evidence hints at a May push for Ice Cream Sandwich to some of Big Red's big Android sellers.

The wait for an update to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich may finally be over for a number of Verizon smartphone users, as of next month. That's if we take for genuine some leaked screens of what appears to be Big Red's device upgrade schedule, posted to Reddit.

The anonymous poster claims to "work, in some capacity," for the carrier and posted screen shots showing that Verizon plans to push Ice Cream Sandwich over the air to HTC Rezound users on May 9 and Droid Razr / Razr MAXX users on May 21. If you're one of the few rocking a Xoom 3G or 4G tablet, it seems your update is unfortunately on hold.

It's also noted that Verizon typically pushes out updates in batches over a two-week period, so Rezound and Razr owners probably shouldn't expect to see that little Android icon unpacking the update on the exact dates above.
I don't plan to hold my breath for the next sweet little taste of Android, though. For the past few weeks, I've been keeping a close eye on my own Razr on Verizon looking for that friendly Android to give me the good news. And yet, other rumored upgrade dates have come and passed. Then, earlier this week, I got the notification on my phone that a system update was available -- the moment had come! Hallelujah!

The update soon downloaded and installed, and my Razr restarted itself and seemed to be unchanged on reboot. I quickly tapped over to the system settings to see what was up and indeed I had been updated... to Gingerbread 2.3.6.

You are quite the tease, Big Red. Nonetheless, I'm sure I'll be keeping a close eye on my phone next month for the delivery of the next bit of Android dessert.

If you're an Android user, let us know in the comments when you think you might get 4.0 or when you got it (please no gloating from the Galaxy Nexus crowd).


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