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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Microsoft Confirms “Windows 8″ Name And Version Details Revealed

Microsoft just confirmed that official name of next Windows OS will be "Windows 8". And after so much rumor there will be only 3 edition as release package. Check details below.
Mashable reported with Microsoft as source, “Windows 8″ will be the official name of “Windows 7″ successor. Though it’s seems very normal as there have been so much news about Windows 8 lately, and Microsoft already revealed 2 major builds of Windows 8, Developer Preview and Consumer Preview, so everyone expecting Windows 8 pretty soon. But the confusion was created as Microsoft wrote Code name Windows 8, so there has been speculation, like Microsoft did change Windows Vista’s name from its code name “Windows Longhorn” just before commercial release.

Another breakthrough information Is there will be only 3 version.

1. Windows 8: This is the basic version with all main feature that most consumers will need for a typical PC. It will also include new feature like Metro apps like Internet Explorer, the Xbox Live hub and the picture password tricks.

2. Windows 8 Pro: It will have all features of Windows 8 plus business-friendly features, including the ability to encrypt file system, domain connectivity and booting from a virtual hard drive. It will be mainly for businesses, developers and “tech enthusiasts. For anyone with a Media Center PC, you’ll need the Pro edition, but you’ll also need a “media pack” add-on, which isn’t available for regular Windows 8.

3. Windows 8 RT: Its actually Windows 8 for ARM. It’s mainly for tablet and all intended to be end-to-end devices, meaning Windows will come pre-installed when you buy them — Windows RT won’t be available separately. This RT means Run Time. There will be a free version of Microsoft Office Build-in with RT and device encryption will be free too.

There will be Windows 8 Enterprise edition too, but as always Enterprise edition is not available for normal consumer, its for Enterprise more likely for Volume Licensing. Enterprise edition includes all the Windows 8 Pro features and adds some extra goodies for IT pros so they can manage a network (or multiple networks) of PCs, employ advanced security and account for “new mobility scenarios.”

There will be localized version for Windows 8 too. Like for selected market like China there will be only Local Language version. It makes sense considering Microsoft’s deeper market penetration and people computer using behavior.

There is no pricing information is available yet, but Microsoft there will be easy option for Windows 7 user to Upgrade to Windows 8. Lets look forward what Microsoft has to offer about it “Next Big Thing”. Share us your thinking about this simple 3 Edition approach by Microsoft.

View orginal artical here- Windows 8


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