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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Facebook sent 160M visitors and 1.1B visits to mobile apps in April

The social mobile app boon is thanks in large part to Facebook and it’s Open Graph platform it launched last year at f8.

Many apps have seen explosive growth and engagement thanks to sharing actions on the Timeline of Facebook users, and the social network has shared some astonishing numbers that support the trend.

According to Facebook, it sent 160 million visitors to mobile apps totaling 1.1B visits:

    - Facebook sent more than 160 million visitors last month to mobile apps (up from 60 million in late February).
    - These mobile visitors were responsible for more than 1.1 billion visits to mobile apps in the same time frame (up from 320 million in late February).
    - Seven of the top ten grossing iOS apps and six of the top ten grossing Android apps are integrated with Facebook.

One of the apps that has Facebook to thank for its growth is social video sharing site Viddy. The app has grown its userbase to over 16M users, with the majority coming once videos and actions started appearing on its member’s Timelines.

The integration of Facebook was a huge jumping off point for iOS-only-at-first Instagram, leaving many Android users feeling left out until they got their own version of the app.

Facebook integration, once only helpful for easy sign-up and login, is doing more than driving new users to apps. Mobile content from the apps are seeing an increase in visits as well. Movie review app Flixster says that its visitor numbers have risen 10X since it launched its Open Graph integration just four weeks ago.


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