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Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Lockbox 2.8.5

My Lockbox is a security software enabling you to password protect folders on your computer. The protected folder is hidden and locked from any user and application of your system and also from the net. To access the protected folder you have to provide a valid password.The program is extremely easy to use. You can protect the folder and set the password during the setup procedure.

After the setup is finished, your folder will be hidden and locked until you enter the valid password.My Lockbox Control Panel allows you to easily change software parameters: password, location of the protected folders, hotkeys, trusted processes. In addition, a skinned user interface lets you choose from different skins to select the most comfortable look and feel of the software. The program is effective, extremely easy to use and best of all - free edition is available for download. 

My Lockbox 2.8.5 Access Control software developed by FSPro Labs. The license of this access control software is freeware, the price is free, you can free download and get a fully functional freeware version of My Lockbox. Do not use warez version, crack, serial numbers, registration codes, pirate key for this access control freeware My Lockbox. Always use genuine version that is released by original publisher FSPro Labs.


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