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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ticket Booking Script by StiivaSoft 1.4

PHP/ MySQL based ticket reservation/ booking script with a simple front-end interface. Use online ticket booking system on your website to sell tickets for movies, theatre, concerts or other public events. Add interactivity, improve conversion rate, increase online sales with our online ticket booking system.Installing a online ticket booking script on a website will make purchasing tickets easy and fun for users. Ticket Booking Script has an easy-to-use admin panel where administrator can handle just about everything: events, capacity, ticket prices, PDF tickets, sectors, online payment gateways, confirmation emails, booking terms, bookings and clients. Ticket Booking Script is specially developed with a simple back-end interface and can be used by people with no programming skills. Admins can modify default booking settings, such as currency, default booking status, prices, set a custom 'thank you' page after booking or disable payments.You only have to copy/paste a simple line of code and the installation file will set up the ticket booking script for you. After installing the script onto your hosting account you can virtually put interactive ticket reservation system on any valid HTML web page. Free installation support is included in all packages.With a Developer licence you receive full PHP source codes and you are allowed to use our ticket reservation system on all websites that you build for your clients. You are also allowed to make your own amendments to the script. With a User Licence you receive Zend Guard encrypted files and you are not allowed to modify the PHP code. Free installation support is included in all packages.

Ticket Booking Script by StiivaSoft 1.4 Site Administration software developed by StivaSoft Ltd. The license of this site administration software is demo, the price is $59.00, you can free download and get a free trial before you buy a registration or license. Do not use warez version, crack, serial numbers, registration codes, pirate key for this site administration software Ticket Booking Script by StiivaSoft. If you want to get a full and unlimited version of Ticket Booking Script by StiivaSoft, you should buy from original publisher StivaSoft Ltd.

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